Synthesis & Cintra: Your Partners for Oracle on AWS Success in South Africa

Synthesis Staff
- AWS, Cintra, Cloud, oracle
We have crafted solutions for industry leaders, combining years of expertise with agility and innovation.
Synthesis was able to assist the South African Venture Capital Organisation in consolidating their reporting across the group with an innovative cloud solution.
We have assisted a number of venture capital organisations in rapidly consolidating their Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) reporting without any existing solution in place.
Synthesis implemented a cloud reporting solution, which provided them and their clients with a template to capture, and eventually, consolidate their data. Once everything was captured, we took care of the highly technical submission process on their behalf.
As a result, they went from being unable to report to fully compliant in just three hours. All their clients were able to submit their reports on time, without massive consumption of internal resources. To learn more contact us.
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