Event streaming of data – why is it a goldmine for businesses?

We want the seamless Netflix experience. The days of waiting for the next episode to be aired or standing in line to get tickets at the movie theatre are behind us. We have a variety of options to choose from, and genres of movies and series are recommended to us based on what we have […]

Being agile: How companies are “faking it”

By Tayla Boni, Edited by ChatGPT Agile is a project management methodology that is meant to promote flexibility and adaptability in software development or any business process. While Agile has gained popularity, there are companies that claim to be Agile but in fact, are faking it. This can happen when companies introduce Agile practices but […]

Why AI is not going to change the world (too much)

Written by: Hanno Brink, Machine Learning Engineer at Synthesis LLMs have come onto the scene and really shaken up the technology world over the last couple of months, and it is very clear that this technology unlocks a lot of exciting new possibilities. However, I feel like there seems to be a lot of fear […]

A solutionist’s approach to overcoming business challenges

Written by: Tayla Boni , Senior Solutionist While not new, the solutionist is probably one of the most misunderstood roles in an organisation. Put simply, the solutionist collaborates with management to understand the company’s problems and create solutions for them. Even though the person has such an integral part to play in the success of […]

Combating South African Financial Crime With Regtech

RegTech South Africa is an emerging and dynamic industry with new regulations being consistently added and the need for compliance being more important than ever. With the recent Greylist announcement of South Africa, by FATF, compliance with international standards and regulations cannot be ignored. Understanding the automation of regulations through personalised payment systems is the […]

Demystifying open banking

[Johannesburg] – 4 April 2023 – Every South African should care about Open Banking. It would give consumers more control over their financial data and empower them to use the banking services that best meet their needs. Open banking promises to reinvent the way consumers view and interact with financial products and services. Simplistically put, […]

AI, ethics and human rights

AI, ethics and human rights

Archana Arakkal, Practice Lead: Intelligent Data Engineering Every day as an ML Engineer I seek new ways to provide value to further enhance our lifestyles through AI and while there are several problems seeking solutions and we may think that AI could be these solutions, very often a glass ceiling is reached where the limitations […]

Making Music from Your Data with ETL

Making Music from Your Data with ETL

By Kim Furman, Synthesis Marketing Manager Your steaming cup of coffee is warming your hand. You slowly sit down to start your workday and then suddenly your neighbour’s piercing car alarm goes off, again and again. Your good mood, concentration and the heat of your coffee seem to evaporate. Why does this throw you off […]

ETL Stories of Siloed Metrics

Stories of siloed metrics: How to accidently incentivise the wrong behaviour and overlook star performers

ETL By Kim Furman, Synthesis Marketing Manager If you are not measuring the right data, you are likely rewarding the wrong behaviour. Or you are not rewarding the right behaviour leading to poor business outcomes. This is what Adam Grant refers to as obvious insights. It seems obvious yet over the years I have come […]

Understanding our humanity in a world of artificial intelligence

Understanding our humanity in a world of artificial intelligence

By Jake Shepherd, Synthesis Founder & Director Adapted from his talk: What AI Teaches Us About Being Human There are few books that alter the way you see the world after you’ve read them. Homo Deus is one of these books and in it the author Yuval Harari examines humanity’s future. In it he offers […]