The Hackathon Survival Guide: Seven Skilful Steps

Deving for good

By Matthew Gaskell Since the dawn of civilization man (or woman or anyone of the other letters in the LGBTQMNOP alphabet) has always sought an arena in which to show dominance. This has traditionally been done through skill, strength and endurance as seen from the gladiators in the coliseum through to the Matadors in the […]

The dangers of the ever-expanding tactical ball of string

The dangers of the ever-expanding tactical ball of string

by Steyn Basson When it comes to regulatory changes, solutions are often haphazardly compiled, leaving dangerous loose ends ready to unravel. Picture this: For the last few months you have been following reports of new regulatory reporting changes in the pipeline. There has been lots of uncertainty, with the majority of the institutions affected by […]

2019: A Year in Review

By Michael Shapiro Every individual, each family and all companies will have had their own 2019 experience. And whereas they might all be impacted by circumstances particular to them, our tendency is still to try and arrive at collective consensus: How was the year for all of us? On a personal level, the year has […]

Ten Key Compliance Trends in South African (and African) Financial Institutions

By Steyn Basson Regulatory reporting has grown in profile over the last number of years, with more budget and more employees dedicated to compliance activities than ever before. Having been involved in the compliance space for more than a decade in some form or another, we have identified ten key compliance characteristics and trends in […]

Webinar | Why being down for a minute in the IOT data world is a big problem

Why being down for a minute in the IOT data world is a big problem Time: 15:00 | Date: 14 November Join us for this complimentary webinar with Synthesis’ Nick Walker and Discovery Vitality Group’s Jesse Leresche as they reveal how not to go down in the new world of exploding data driven by IOT and […]

NWU Projects Day 2017 Photos

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